We are used to carefully considering what we are allowed and are not allowed to bring on board our carry-on bags to comply with airline policies and security procedures. But in the thick of all the talk about carry-on restrictions, it's easy to forget about the restrictions on checked baggage. Remarkably, there is a lengthy list of TSA-prohibited things that are not allowed at all to be stored in the checked section of an aircraft. So, let's examine what needs to be kept hidden during your trip before you close your luggage and say goodbye to your checked bag.
We are frequently well-versed in the limitations imposed on carry-on baggage, especially the notorious 3-1-1 liquid rule when it comes to preparing for a flight. But it's important to remember what's in our checked baggage when we pack our carry-ons. Even while it could appear like a practical spot to stow larger or less necessary items, there are a few things you should never put in your checked luggage. The prohibitions cover a wide range of items, including popular foods, combustible products, and specific liquids. When packing your bag, keep in mind that the TSA forbids the following goods.
1. Presents that are wrapped
Gifts that are wrapped are always vulnerable to being tagged by security. These wrapped presents may raise red flags or necessitate further inspection, which could cause delays and possibly harm to your packaged goods. Furthermore, security personnel might have to completely unwrap a gift if they are unable to determine what is inside.
2. Large Amount of Cash
It's not a good idea to check large amounts of cash in your luggage for a number of reasons, not the least of which being security and possible legal issues. Although there are no TSA laws that restrict how much cash you can carry domestically, visitors entering the country are required to declare any quantities above $10,000 to customs officers. Whatever the amount, though, carrying a sizable quantity of cash can draw the attention of TSA inspectors, who are able to question you about the money's origin and intended use.
3. Vapes and e-cigarettes
Lithium-ion batteries, which are found in e-cigarettes and vapes, have been known to cause fires, particularly when they are exposed to temperature and air pressure fluctuations while in flight. They shouldn't be included in your checked luggage as a result. Vapes and e-cigarettes, however, are allowed in carry-on luggage where they may be regulated safely for the duration of the journey.
4. Alcohol with a high proof
A common misconception is that checked baggage cannot contain any forbidden liquids. High-proof alcohol is one of the rare exceptions, though. Because it is flammable, high-proof alcohol shouldn't be included in your checked luggage. As long as it is still in its original, unopened retail packaging, the majority of alcohol, including wine and hard liquor, can be brought in checked luggage. However, because to its heightened flammability, anything over 140 proof (70% alcohol) is not allowed in checked baggage.
5. Beans for coffee
Regretfully, you might want to discard the coffee beans. Coffee has been used by smugglers to hide illegal narcotics, which has led to increased security officer monitoring. When a checked suitcase contains a lot of coffee, airport security may become suspicious and test the bag with a swab.
6. Fireworks
There are serious safety dangers associated with fireworks, thus you should never check them with your luggage. Because they jeopardize the safety of passengers and airline employees, these explosives are among the most strictly enforced TSA forbidden goods.
7. Ammunition
Although travelers are allowed to check their lawfully owned firearms with the TSA, ammo must be transported under strict guidelines. ammo up to.75 caliber and shotgun rounds of any gauge are permitted by the TSA and FAA; but, if you go over these restrictions or forget to disclose the ammo, your luggage may be flagged. The FAA also tightly prohibits the use of certain types of ammunition, including smokeless powder, black powder, primers, percussion caps, and homemade powder and ball loads for muzzle loading.
8. Meat and vegetables'
Meat and produce shouldn't be packed in checked luggage because of tight guidelines from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, especially when returning from overseas travel. International passengers need to be careful, while domestic travelers are usually allowed to check their baggage with food products. To prevent the entry of pests and diseases into the country, the CBP forbids the importation of most of the meat, fruits, and vegetables.
9. Curling irons without a cord
Because they could explode in midair, cordless curling irons with butane-powered cartridges should never be found in your checked luggage. It seems sense to use a conventional corded curling iron instead of this one to reduce these risks.
Although the TSA's primary responsibility is to screen carry-on bags, they also have the power to check checked baggage to make sure aviation security laws are being followed. It is crucial to be informed of all TSA-prohibited things as a result.
You can use the MyTSA App or the TSA website to search for an item if you're unsure if it's permitted to be checked with your luggage.
This article was written by Michael R. Grigsby, one of the news editors for LCTI, LLC. Michael is passionate about the outdoors, photography, strength sports, and powerlifting, and he is dedicated to bringing you accurate and insightful news reports on a wide range of topics. He loves connecting with readers and is always happy to answer any questions you may have. If you have any questions about this news article, please feel free to contact Michael at lctillc@outlook.com or by leaving a comment below.
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